Chapter 1
Why do you write?
- To Share
- To Persuade
- To Inform
- To Enjoy
What do you write?
- Fiction Stories
- E-mails
- Blogs
- Thoughts
- Books
How can you find ideas?
You can find ideas by:
- Observing
- Reading
- Watching
How can you keep track of ideas?
You can keep track of ideas by:
- Starting an Idea Notebook
- Keeping a Personal Journal
- Free Writing
How can you get started?
- Get comfortable
- Have your materials ready
- Spend time wisely
How do you work with others?
- Brainstorming
- Cooperative Writing
- Peer Feedback
Chapter 2
Genres and Forms
Genres are types of writing.
- Each genre has a specific purpose.
- Each genre has specific characteristics.
Forms is the way texts are structured.
Selecting Genres
In some writing situations, you may need to select the correct genre.
- To entertain, you may need to write a humorous essay.
- To describe an emotion, writing a poem helps.
- To persuade someone, you may need to write a persuasive essay.
Nonfiction Narration
Is any kind of literary text that tells a story about real people.
- Personal Narratives
- Biographical Narratives
- Blogs
- Diary & Journal Entries
- Eyewitness Accounts
- Autobiography
Fiction Narration
Is any story (or book) that tells a fictional tale, or one which isn't true.
- Realistic Fiction
- Fantasy Stories
- Historical Fiction
- Mystery Stories
- Myths and Legends
- Science Fiction
- Tall Tales
Poetry and Description
Expresses ideas and feelings about real or imagined people, events and ideas.
- Ballad
- Free Verse
- Prose Poem
- Sonnet
- Haiku
Is writing that seeks to communicate ideas to specific audiences.
- Analytical Essay
- Compare-and-Contrast Essay
- Cause-and-Effect Essay
- Classification Essay
- Problem-Solution Essay
- Pro-Con Essay
- Newspaper and Magazine Articles
- Internet Articles
- On-Demand Writing
Aims to influence the actions of a specific audience on specific issues.
- Argumentative Essays
- Persuasive Speeches
- Editorials
- Reviews
- Advertisements
- Letters to the Editor
- Propaganda
Chapter 3
Writing Traits
The Writing Process
What is the Writing Process?
Writing is a process because your idea goes through a series of changes before the product is finished.

Revision ARMS
Chapter 4
A sentence is a group of words with two main parts: a subject and a predicate.
Writing Strong Sentences
To write strong sentences/paragraphs, you need to:
- Combine Sentences
- Use Compound Elements
- Form Compound Sentences
- Use Subordination
A paragraph is built from a group of sentences that share a common idea.Writing Strong Paragraphs
To write strong paragraphs, you need to:
- Express Your Main Idea With a Clear Topic Sentence
- Write Effective Supporting Sentences
- Include a Variety of Sentence Lenghts, Structures, and Beginnings
Refers to the collective body of important features established by the author in their creation of literature.
The Parts of a Composition:
The Parts of a Composition:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
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