Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Day 30- Your hopes for your blog
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Day 27- What's in your closet
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Day 26- Your hidden talent
I can say that my "hidden talent" is drawing, I don't show it that much, of course, it's hidden (-_-). In my opinion (and 1 another person) I draw actually pretty good, but my type of drawing is quotes, lyrics and sometimes faces or anime or just random stuff like cartoons... here are some of my "drawings":
Friday, November 21, 2014
Day 25- Your biggest regret

Thursday, November 20, 2014
Day 24- What attracts you (in love)
2. Taller than me
3. Someone that can put a smile on my face even in the darkest times
4. A funny guy
5. A person that when i'm up at 3 AM just thinking will be there to talk to me
6. Sweet & Caring
7. Thoughtful
8. Anyone who is disposed to see the worst part of me, by that I mean my darkest side and my extremely sensitive side and still be by my side. I just need someone that no matter what happens or what I do, I know that will be there for me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Day 23- If you won the lottery...
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Happy Birthday Landa!♡

Monday, November 17, 2014
Mystery Story (not part of the challenge)
Mr. Johnny Deeper is a middle-aged man that was born with a quite special, but rare gift, he could speak with angels, demons and Satan. He couldn't speak with God unless he was dead. So one day in his work being a Civil Engineer, an invisible sward suddenly goes through his heart, and in an instant he fell he was being dragged by something, in a blink he suddenly was in hell, the "thing" that dragged him, was an angel, ironic.
Jhonny wasn't afrais at all, he softly said: "Am I dead?", the angel said: "yes, but you will be back, I need you to do an errand for me", before Johnny could say anything the angel said: " I will give this artifact, it will be able to teleport you to this place in hell, without any risks, you just need to think of a name and that person inmediatly dies, you have been chosen, no time to explain". He was inmediatly back in Earth, he was in his apartment he had the special artifact in his hand so he inmediatly placed the artifact in a safe, he was very confused and tired so he went to bed. *5 hours later*. He woke up and his whole apartment was destroyed, he thought it was a thief, with the corner of his eye, he saw that the safe was opened, he suddenly realized that the artifact was last and he said to himself " what have I done? ... Someone with this artifact could have the power of God". Then the angel appeared and asked for the Asterith (artifact) and Johnny said "Uhh, I ... Lost it, you need to help me!" The angel said: "I don't know who can posib... wait, I think I know, my son, the demi-angel, he have always wanted the Asterith for his own purposes, chaos, destruction, no, I'm not proud of him, I tried to keep it away from him, but it's now in his hands, you & him, and me are the only ones who know about the Asterith" - Johnny sighed-. They went to look for him * 3 hours later *, they found him in a church, but he was surrounded by 8 people, all of them were being controlled by the angel's son, Angelo, suddenly they all felt their insides were being crushed , they were having an Internal bleending, in seconds, all of them choked on their own blood, except Johnny, Gabriel ( the angel) and Angelo. Ot was Sauron (satan), he shouted: "I want my Asterith" Gabriel softly said: " Angelo has it, he stole the Asterith". Sauron said: "I don't care who has it, if you don't hand it over, I will release my hellhounds demons & the kraken!" The S.W.A.T special force suddenly broke the door of the church, they had "Kill on Sight" prders, so they came in shooting, killing everyone... except Sauron, he threw hell blades to the police throats, killing everyone in an instant, he picked up the artifact, and the picked up the body of Johnny saying in a deep voice "your soul is mine now". - laughing malevously- he flew away, provoking havac in his way, he now has the artifact Gabriel stole from him the Asterith, it's the Devil's job is to kill people, and taking their souls. It must never fall in humans hands. Do you think you can handle being God?
Well only Johnny could and he died trying to protect it, he was the chosen one.
Day 21- What makes you sad
2. Arguing or not talking to that special person
3. Like the weird person I am, I get sad for no apparent reason & when that happens I start thinking about all the wrong things i've done
4. Missing someone and not being able to do anything about it
5. When someone gets chosen over me
6. Being second choice
7. I feel extremely sad when someone I care about ignores me
8. When I do something wrong and I end up crying about everything wrong I've done during my WHOLE life
9. When i'm being laughed at
10. Not having you by my side </3 (when I need you the most)
11. When I need someone to talk to like about 2/3 AM, while i'm drowning in my own thoughts & no one's there
12. Animal abuse and watching people in the streets begging for money so they have a little something to eat
13. Letting someone go out of my life even though I don't want to because I know it'll hurt way too much
14. Last but not least... MEMORIES AND THE PAST
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Day 20- What makes me happy
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Day 19- Your favourite movie
Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are the ones in the pictures below.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Day 17- Your favourite blogs
2. Pleasing moment
3. Soy dosis de tu propia medicina
4. American Horror Story on FX
5. You-lost-her-idiot
6. UnrealisticStory
7. ♡Hache de Silencio♡
8. Tooweirdto-live-toorareto-die
9. The-personal-quotes
10. The-perfect-boyfriend
11. Teenssquotess
12. SmellsLikeATeenBlog
13. SinLimitesContigo
14. Silly-luv
15. SicklySatisfied
16. Sensual-craving
17. SeeYou-InMySleepDarling
18. Scarlu
19. SabesAmarteDuele
20. RuinedChildhood
21. PerfectaImperfecci0n
22. OnceUponATime-Fairytales
23. OmgThatsTotallyMe
24. Not-a-minute
25. Nerduhlicious
26. My-quotes-about-life
27. Miss-puntos-suspensivos
28. Mi-vidaen-letras
29. 69shadesofgrey
30. Did-you-need-me

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Day 16- Thoughts on Education
Education in Dominican Republic
In DR, the education is not like in other countries. Nobody does anything, they seem not to care or notice that education is fundamental in someone's life, especially in the young. Education in DR is in the line, not good and not bad, the government is at least doing something about it NOW. About a 70% of our population were illiterate, now a days there must be like a 30% because the state started a program called "Quisqueya Aprende Contigo" that teaches the unlettered for free. Education in Dominican Republic is improving!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Day 15- Where will you be in 5 years
Monday, November 10, 2014
Day 14- 3 healthy habits

1. Jog or run in the neighborhood
2. Get enough sleep (I'm doing what i can)
3. Maintain hygiene
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Day 13- What's inside your fridge
Right now i'm not home, i'm where my mom wss born it's a small town called Duvergé. If i was home you would be jealous of my fridge (laughing internally), anyways, i took a picture of the fridge where i am... it's empty. LITERALLY.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Day 12- Your favourite childhood book
Friday, November 7, 2014
Day 11- 10 favourite foods
1. Sushi
2. Lasagna
3. Hamburgers (I still like them, just that McDonalds once made me throw up like 6-7 times)
4. Pepperoni pizza♥
5. Rice, Red/black beans, chicken
6. Toasts with Philadelphia cheese
8. Green salad
9. Mango
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Day 9- What's in your bag/wallet
1. Locker keys
2. An earring
3. MAC adapter
4. Tons of post-its with conversations (Jonathan, Karllennys ;) )
5. 5 folders
6. Agenda
7. 20 plushes in a kit
8. Pencil case *-*
9. Books
10. Chocolate♡
11. Earphones
12. Random papers
Monday, November 3, 2014
Day 7- My 5 favourite songs
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Day 6- What are you afraid of
I'm afraid of lots of things but what creeps me out the most is the Dark, it's a silly thing i know that but whenever i'm in the dark i feel like there's some kind of monster or person that'll kill me. Don't get me wrong i can sleep with lights off, i love sleeping in the dark.
I'm afraid of losing my friends, because if i don't have them i have nothing. They all mean the world to me, i really don't know what would i do without them. Love You♡☆
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Day 5- My proudest moment
Maybe, i'm not sure. My proudest moment was when i got a 48/60 in my Math Exam, you may think that it's absurd but i'm bad at Math and my negativity doesn't help at all. It was the happiest day of my life because I worked really, really hard to get that grade, my parents couldn't believe that from one month to another i did so much progress but anyway i fell, AGAIN.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Day 4- My dream job
My dream job... actually this one is pretty hard because my actual dream job would be not having to even work, just stay in bed. But in a serious way I would like to be a Proffesional Photographer, I just enjoy having cameras around me, art, when I see a picture I don't focus if it's a good piece of art, I try to see what the photographer wanted to convey to the public. Photography, cameras... it's just me.
Day 3- My favourite quote
You make me smile. Even if you're the main reason i'm sad.
Okay. Why is this quote my favourite? Well maybe because it kind of explains the situation i'm going through. I've changed, people say it's because i'm falling in love, i refuse to believe that. Why? Because the worst is having a broken heart and a unrequited love, so yeah, i fell in love and it's unrequited. He makes me smile, but i'm still sad.